NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: W3270.EXE Installation Instructions and Info DOCUMENT ID: TID200000 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 31AUG93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: W3270.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: LAN WorkPlace for DOS 4.1 ABSTRACT: TN3270 for MS Windows is a LAN WorkPlace/LAN WorkGroup application that lets you use Telnet connections to log into IBM mainframe host computers connected to your networked PC workstation via a TCP/IP internetwork. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ LAN WorkPlace TN3270 for Windows v4.1 Copyright (c) 1993 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. THIS WORK IS SUBJECT TO U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAWS AND TREATIES. NO PART OF THIS WORK MAY BE USED, PRACTICED, PERFORMED, COPIED, DISTRIBUTED, REVISED, MODIFIED, TRANSLATED, ABRIDGED, CONDENSED, EXPANDED, COLLECTED, COMPILED, LINKED, RECAST, TRANSFORMED OR ADAPTED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF NOVELL, INC. ANY USE OR EXPLOITATION OF THIS WORK WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION COULD SUBJECT THE PERPETRATOR TO CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LIABILITY. IBM 3270 EMULATION FOR LAN WORKPLACE/LAN WORKGROUP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TN3270 for MS Windows is a LAN WorkPlace/LAN WorkGroup application that lets you use Telnet connections to log into IBM mainframe host computers connected to your networked PC workstation via a TCP/IP internetwork. The TN3270 for MS Windows program allows you to run IBM host applications by emulating standard IBM 3270 terminal capabilities. TN3270 for MS Windows emulates IBM 3278 Models 2, 3, 4, and 5. It allows you to transfer files to and from IBM host computers. An extensive online help system is included with TN3270 for MS Windows that provides explanations and step-by-step procedures for all application features. Because this application will become a standard component of the LAN WorkPlace and LAN WorkGroup products in future releases, it is being provided free of charge to all existing LAN WorkPlace/LAN WorkGroup customers. If you have licensed LAN WorkPlace or LAN WorkGroup v4.1 or later, your license includes the right to use this new software. You can instantly extend your connectivity to include your IBM CICS/VS, MVS/TSO, and VM/CMS hosts. TN3270 for MS Windows is for MS Windows users only. DOS users can purchase the optional TN3270 for LAN WorkPlace product from Novell. In addition to this NetWire release, TN3270 for MS Windows is available on 3-1/2 inch diskettes. A manual, the TN3270 for MS Windows User's Guide, is included with the diskettes. The price for this package is $30, which includes the right to make copies of the diskettes for all LAN WorkPlace and LAN WorkGroup users throughout your organization. The ordering number for this product package is: 00662644003191 To order, call the following numbers: 800-873-2831 (within the US) 317-364-7276 (outside the US) 317-364-0784 (fax, accepting calls after 8/9/93) The rest of this information file describes prerequisites to install and run Novell TN3270 for MS Windows, gives installation instructions, provides documentation and software updates since publication of the User's Guide, and lists the files in the product. =============================================================== PREREQUISITES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To install and run TN3270 for MS Windows, your workstation must meet the hardware prerequisites described in your LAN WorkPlace or LAN WorkGroup documentation. In summary, they are as follows: .You need an IBM PC/AT or PS/2, or an 80286-based, 80386-based, or 80486-based compatible. .You need an Ethernet, token ring, or ARCnet network board, or a SLIP or PPP dial-in connection. .You need 2 to 4 MB of memory. .You need about 880 KB of available disk space for TN3270 for MS Windows files and working storage (in addition to the space required by LAN WorkPlace or WorkGroup). The following software must be installed and running on the workstation before you can install TN3270 for MS Windows: .You need IBM PC-DOS v3.3 (or later), Microsoft MS-DOS v3.3 (or later), or DR DOS v6.0 (or later). If you plan to run MS Windows v3.1 with DR DOS, make sure your COMMAND.COM file is dated 4/92 or later. Contact your Novell-authorized reseller to update an earlier COMMAND.COM. .You need Microsoft Windows v3.0 or v3.1 (or later). .You need LAN WorkPlace or LAN WorkGroup v4.1 (or later), installed to include the MS Windows applications and support. The host computers you connect to using TN3270 for MS Windows must meet the following requirements: .Each host must run TCP/IP and have an active Telnet server. .Telnet must be integrated with the host operating system, such that the operating system can be accessed via Telnet. .The host must support a 3270 terminal subsystem. .If you plan to use the file transfer capability, your host computer must also have a file transfer program (see the User's Guide for details). =============================================================== INSTALLING THIS PRODUCT FROM NETWIRE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Binary file W3270.EXE contains the LAN WorkPlace TN3270 for MS Windows v4.1 installation utility and files in archive form. See the FILE LIST later in this document for details. Follow these steps to extract the files archived in W3270.EXE and install this product. 1. Copy the file W3270.EXE to a temporary directory on your hard disk or file server. W3270.EXE is an archive file that contains the compressed TN3270 for MS Windows files. Because the W3270.EXE file is about 650 KB in size, you can store the file on a diskette but you cannot expand the files it contains on a diskette. 2. Extract the archived files by typing: W3270 means press the Enter key. 3. Run LAN WorkPlace or LAN WorkGroup. These programs normally run when you start up your PC workstation. Usually a batch file, LANWP.BAT or LANWG.BAT, is run to load TCP/IP and supporting modules. Refer to your LAN WorkPlace or LAN WorkGroup documentation if you need assistance. 4. Run MS Windows. MS Windows may run automatically when you restart your workstation, or you may need to enter a command to run MS Windows. Refer to the Microsoft Windows User's Guide for the specific command for your configuration. 5. Select Run from the Program Manager's File menu. 6. Type the following in the Command Line text box. setup.exe where is the location of the extracted W3270 files. For example, if you copied W3270.EXE to C:\WINDOWS\TEMP, you would type: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SETUP.EXE 7. Click OK. 8. Follow the onscreen prompts. You can exit from the installation program if necessary by pressing the key. When the message "Thank you for choosing Novell LAN WorkPlace TN3270 for MS Windows" is displayed, the product is installed and ready for you to use. After successful installation, the TN3270 icon should be present in your LAN WorkPlace program group. To start TN3270 for MS Windows, double-click the icon. LAN WorkGroup administrators can make TN3270 for MS Windows available to all workgroup members by logging into the workgroup server as SUPERVISOR before proceeding with the above installation procedure. Workgroup members can then configure the TN3270 icon on their workstation. For details of this procedure, refer to the TN3270 for MS Windows User's Guide. =============================================================== DOCUMENTATION UPDATES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following information became available after publication of the LAN WorkPlace TN3270 for MS Windows User's Guide: Terminal Session Window During File Transfers When the Send or Receive command is selected from the Transfer menu, the terminal session window remains displayed and is not iconized. Status information is returned in the send or receive windows, not the terminal session window. MS Windows Accelerator Keys You can enable the MS Windows editing accelerator keys for the editing functions available in the terminal session window, Config Keyboard Map window, and Config Keypad Map window. To enable the accelerator keys, check the Accelerator option on the Open Session window. TN3270 for MS Windows implements the following MS Windows editing accelerator keys. Terminal session window: Copy Paste Config Keyboard Map and Config Keypad Map windows: Copy Paste Cut Exchange Undo Any 3270 functions that were mapped to these accelerator key combinations are not available in the terminal session window when the accelerator keys are enabled. You can invoke these functions from the Active Function List or remap the keyboard if you need to make these functions available on other keys. Shift Key Functions On the Active Keyboard Map window, the keyboard shift keys, including , , , and , are disabled and are shown dimmed. To access these key functions, press the corresponding keys on the keyboard. =============================================================== SOFTWARE UPDATES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following software updates have been made since the publication of the LAN WorkPlace TN3270 for MS Windows User's Guide. Block Mode Copy When you check Select Block Mode in the terminal session window (this is the default mode) and try to select a block that includes all of the screen columns, sometimes only the first column is copied. If you want to copy all of the screen columns, you can check Select Line Mode on the Edit menu and select the text line by line. Accessing Shift States On certain keyboards, to access the functions provided by the Alt-Shifted state you must hold down both and while pressing the key. If the Alt-Shifted functions are not accessible on your keyboard when you press alone, try holding down both and . Saving New Keypad Map Files If you use the New command on the File menu of the Config Keypad Map window to create a new keypad mapping file, you may receive an error message when you try to use the Save command to save the new keypad map. If this happens, use the Save As command instead. Telnet Server Incompatibility A problem is known to exist when accessing IBM hosts through TPX. TPX is a multisession terminal emulation manager for MVS. The problem is caused by the sequence in which TPX expects to perform Telnet option negotiation. This problem does not affect Novell's TN3270 for DOS product. If you find that you cannot access a host computer that is running TPX, use DOS TN3270 instead of TN3270 for MS Windows. You can obtain the DOS TN3270 for LAN WorkPlace product from Novell (refer to the phone numbers listed earlier in this file). =============================================================== FILE LIST ~~~~~~~~~ Self-Extracting File Name: W3270.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time W3270.TXT (This File) DISK.ID 55 08-12-93 09:35a SETUP.EXE 203800 01-22-93 10:41p WTN3270.001 490714 08-12-93 09:36a INSTAL.DLL 10748 06-01-93 03:08p DISK.ID -- diskette identification file SETUP.EXE -- installation program that runs under Windows INSTAL.DLL -- support file for SETUP.EXE WTN3270.001 -- contains all of the LAN WorkPlace TN3270 for MS Windows files in compressed form W3270.TXT -- this user information file SETUP adds the following files in the following locations, if you accept the default locations during installation: \-NET +--BIN | WT3270.EXE -- LWP TN3270 for MS Windows executable | WTLIB.DLL -- Dynamic-linking libraries | WTSESS.DLL | WTEMUL.DLL | WTTRANS.DLL | WTSNDRCV.DLL | WTKEY.DLL | WTHELP.HLP -- Online help system | NVLXXLAT.IBM -- National language translation file | +--PROFILE | DEFAULT.PWT -- Default profile for LAN WorkPlace | COMMON.PWT -- Shared default profile for LAN WorkGroup | +--HSTACC | TN3270.FON -- Font file | STD184.KYB -- Keyboard configuration files | BELG84.KYB -- (see user's guide for descriptions) | CDNB84.KYB | DNSK84.KYB | CDNB84.KYB | ITAL84.KYB | NORS84.KYB | PORT84.KYB | ESPA84.KYB | ESHA84.KYB | SVEN84.KYB | CHFR84.KYB | CHDT84.KYB | HLND84.KYB | ENUK84.KYB | SUOM84.KYB | FRAN84.KYB | OEDT84.KYB | STD1101.KYB | SUOM102.KYB | OEDT102.KYB | BELG102.KYB | CDNB102.KYB | HLND102.KYB | ENUK102.KYB | FRAN102.KYB | ITAL102.KYB | NORS102.KYB | PORT102.KYB | ESPA102.KYB | ESHA102.KYB | SVEN102.KYB | CHFR102.KYB | CHDT102.KYB | DNSK102.KYB | AS40084.KYB | ENUK184.KYB | FRAN184.KYB | AS400101.KYB | ENUK1102.KYB | FRAN1102.KYB | STD1.PAD -- Keypad configuration file | ACP100.XLT -- ASCII code page translation file | ECP274.XLT -- EBCDIC code page translation files | ECP277.XLT -- (see user's guide for descriptions) | ECP278.XLT | ECP280.XLT | ECP282.XLT | ECP284.XLT | ECP037.XLT | ECP285.XLT | ECP286.XLT | ECP297.XLT | ECP500.XLT | ECP273.XLT | APL.XLT -- APL code page translation file ÿ